Villasimius welcomes tourists with a savage grace, creating strong feelings that will make you come back soon. The territory comprises an area of 56 sq km, extending from Mount Minnie Minnie (725 mlm), north,to “Cavoli” Island to the south. The eastern boundary is located on the island of Serpentara, while the western one is located on the promontory of Capo Boi. From the highest peak in localities Minni Minni, accessible via guided tours, mountain biking and walking, you can see the whole territory of Villasimius. The country lies in the broad plain at the foot of Simius Bruncu Tiriarxius and Bruncu Campulongu, beyond which stretches the promontory of the extreme south-east coast of Sardinia, Capo Carbonara which is followed by the 'Island of Cavoli.
Villasimius is ready in order to preserve the institution of the mountain and marine parks , included the Massive of “Sette Fratelli” . Here have found their ideal habitat for some wildlife , such as an increasingly colony of deer and wild boar, golden eagles, buzzards, ravens, wild cats, martens, foxes, pigeons, woodpeckers, red, pink flamingos and many other animals, we can meet going along the trails and paths that run through this fantastic territory.
Even the most demanding tourist will be satisfied , ,in high level hotels ,campsites, holiday cottages and holiday homes.
You can enjoy over local products, even the typical Sardinian cuisine, with roast pork, goat and lamb, side dishes such as sausage ham, salami, olives and assorted cheeses, in addition grilled fish.
We produce various sweets such as “ gli amaretti” , “ le formagelle” (pardulas), “le Sebadas” and several varieties of honey and excellent local wines.
From June until September, you can see and participate in folk dances, music, festivals and traditions. |